Welcome to your Skin Cancer Quiz - True or False?

True or False:   Skin cancer is rare.

True or False:   Skin cancer is rare.

True or False:   Skin cancer is rare.

Your new question!

Your new question!

True or False: Skin cancer is only found on areas of your skin that are exposed to the sun.

True or False: Skin cancer is only found on areas of your skin that are exposed to the sun.

True or False: Skin cancer is easily cured if caught in the early stages.

True or False: Skin cancer is only found on areas of your skin that are exposed to the sun.

True or False: You can die from skin cancer.

True or False: Skin cancer only affects old people.

True or False: People with dark skin can get skin cancer.

True or False: Though a sunburn is a sign of sun damage, a tan is a sign of health.

True or False: Self tanning lotions are a safe way to look tan.

True or False: Experiencing 5 or more sunburns can double your risk of developing skin cancer.

True or False: Indoor tanning is safe.

True or False: I only need to wear sunscreen when I go to the beach or the pool.