About the Prevention Match Challenge
The Prevention Match Challenge is the major gifts element of our annual Ounce of Prevention Club fundraising campaign. Each year, our generous Prevention Match Challenge Partners make commitments of $2,500 or greater to the campaign. Those funds are pooled together and used to match the gifts of $500 and greater we receive.
This initiative will be a game-changer for our efforts to end the threat of melanoma. These critical funds will enable us to help more people in our community prevent and survive skin cancer.
For more information about the Prevention Match Challenge, please contact Rene McPhedran at 513-946-7130 or rene@melanomaknowmore.com
Prevention Match Challenge Donation
Prevention Match Challenge Partner Levels:
- Gold Partner: $10,000 and greater
- Silver Partner: $5,000 – $9,999
- Bronze Partner: $2,500 – $4,999